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Guggital location map Guggital location map

The Hotel Restaurant Guggital is easily accessible by public transport as well.
Direct bus, line 11 from the train station, station Metalli,
to station Guggital, right outside the hotel. (9 minutes bus ride time)
The Hotel Restaurant Guggital is just 5 km from the nearest highway exit.
There are plenty of on-site parking, free available.

Bus direction Guggital Bus direction train station Zoug

Guggital Location map
ZVB Line 11 bus timetable Metalli
ZVB Line 11 bus timetable Guggital

ZVB bus timetable online

en/restaurant/anfahrtsplan.1446534377.txt.gz · Zuletzt geändert: 2024/02/15 13:18 (Externe Bearbeitung)