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TERRASSE - GARTEN Mit den ersten warmen Sonnenstrahlen freut man sich wieder auf den Garten, und wem es dann doch zu kühl ist, verwöhnen wir gerne mit Schaffell, Decken und notfalls einer Wärmflasche - bis der Sommer dann endlich da ist!

Valentinstag im Guggital

Valentinstag im Guggital

Donnerstag, 14. Februar 2019
Gerne verwöhnen wir Sie mit einem wunderbarem Valentinstagsmenu.
Wir freuen uns auf Sie und Ihre Begleitung!

Ostern Guggital Easter in Guggital Easter Sunday, April 21, Easter Monday, April 22

We will be happy to spoil you with a fine Easter menu (at noon and in the evening)!

Ostern Guggital

Easter brunch

Easterbrunch from 15 persons, only with advance reservation

Coffee, milk, tea, cappuccino, latte macchiato
Freshly squeezed orange juice, freshly squeezed vegetable juice, multivitamin juice, Zuger apple juice, mineral
Buns, croissants, braided yeast bun, three different special breads, butter, jam, honey, Nutella
Fruit yoghurt, natural yoghurt, muesli, fruit salad, fruit basket, vegetable platter with dip
Muesli, cornflakes, Smacks, Chocos
Cheese platter, cold meat, dried meat, ham, smoked ham, salami
Smoked salmon and garnish
Scrambled eggs, egg in the glass, bacon, sausage
Dessert buffet with 4 different desserts
Colorful Easter eggs

CHF 50.00 per person (up to 3 years free, 4-14 years CHF 3.50 per year of life)
CHF 40.00 per person without dessert buffet (up to 3 years free, 4-14 years CHF 2.80 per year of life)

We look forward to seeing you and your guests!

Ostern im Guggital

First Communion at Guggital

Impressions 2018 First Communion

Firtst Communion Guggital

Impressions First Communion

We look forward to the this year's communicants and their families!
Bye for now!

Mother's Day in Guggital

Sunday, May 12, 2019

Muttertag im Guggital

We look forward to you and your guests!

en/aktuell/start.1551625283.txt.gz · Zuletzt geändert: 2024/02/15 13:18 (Externe Bearbeitung)